
     Life is a beautiful journey. Yes,there are so many ups and downs but still you should be strong enough to face with calm and mindfulness. Frustration is thing comes due to overthinking, comparing, mean mind, Jeolousness, unsatisfied life.

            Now a days people are frustrated about silly things. If they won't wake up early morning then they frustrate.If work is not done as comitted then they get frustate.If they are not good looking compared to other then they get frustrated and make there life very complicated. But noone think about what happened if work is not completed. it can be done next day. By getting frustrated it can be done? Offcourse No then why worry about it. Any work in world is not important then you and your happiness......!

         Your self satisfaction matters a lot. You know you have given your 100% percent to it. Still due to any problem you are unable to do. The attitude to any problem should be the solution or your satisfaction other then your frustration. Because frustration is thing kills you slowly and there will be a point you will be led down to your life. And we should not compare ourself we should be satisfied in ourself. Because no one is simalar in this world in all ways. Somewhere we find the difference so just be unique how ever you are with a smily and happy soul. 

     So to over come on this frustration we can go through meditation, yoga, traveling with friends, joining laughing club etc. But as it depends on our mindset that how should we deal with frustration 

*A key to overcome on frustration is self satisfaction of all you have in life and all you do in your life.....

Life if too beautiful........!🙃😇



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